They didn't ask questions like that back in 1776!

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As a panelist on The News Quiz said - it's not the Irish border, it's the British border in Ireland. The Irish border is the sea!

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Necessary clarification was necessary.

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Todd is asking for shared custody of Trig. Nice to think someone actually cares about the kid.

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We have always been, and always will be, at war with Eastasia.

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You notice how they never manage to mention the *cause* of all those homeless tho - ? Its as if they'd like us to believe THOSE PEOPLE just choose to live that way, because Scary Others. After all, you wouldn't want anyone to connect homelessness with the results of rethuglican austerity measures or anything.

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well of course not. They didn't have time for questions like that in 1776.

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What I remember is that I was seven and lived on a major military base, and even as a seven-yr-old, not being entirely convinced that desk was going to be a big help.

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He probably didn't say AOC's name because it's too hard for him to remember and pronounce. Trump guys never do foreign names and big words well.

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having already read the articles that John Hersey wrote for The New Yorker (and later collected into the book Hiroshima), i was very aware that we were being conned.Tell me, please; was that your first intimation that the grownups were lying to you?

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I don't remember if I thought they were lying, or were just really, really stupid, but yeah, something along those lines.

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"...And those Duke boys will never get caught at this rate...."

The LaCrosse players?

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i need flash cards to keep up

and, are we still at war with Eastasia?

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Now we like Afghanistan again.

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