Just for laughs, I watched the committee meeting for this bill. Three women legislators presented all of the lame excuses listed above. Then came time for the public comments - limited to 2 minutes. The first person was a woman doctor with strong background in family planning and was against the bill. Unfortunately, she spent 90 seconds describing her qualifications. Like the chairman cared anyway. The next eight or so were all for the bill, several being from those fair and balanced "crisis centers", and some being letters read by someone else. The, of course, the chairman closed the comments. Our brave but overwhelmed rep from the Chapel Hill area (Verla Insko, D-obviously) objected to the lopsided public comments. The brave chairman said he would take it under advisement and continued with the pro comments. I almost cried.

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It's time for the AMA and the [insert name of credentialing body of OB/GYNs] to step up and announce that they will no longer recognize graduates of UNC. Other states need to cancel reciprocity, also, too.

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It just adds expense to the consumer. I'm sure the patient has to pay for the hard copy to be produced or duplicated. And as others have pointed out - the identifying info can be redacted, but I don't think it has to be under HPPA, the state can require reporting of certain things to be mandatory (usually infectious diseases, but GSWs and suspected child abuse are other examples)

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You can't be surprised at this...

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They've pretty much given up pretending they aren't textbook-definition fascists, haven't they?

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I'm not a doctor, but I can guarantee that if left untreated an open aorta will stop bleeding in less than a half hour.

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Weird Al's love songs have a certain something...

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Yup. That's the GOP essential oil. Human life = property. I need a shower.

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They wouldn't even let them speak for 24 minutes. Or was that to demonstrate that bad decisions (on what to say) are made in a hurry?

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I live in NC, so I was curious...Rep Schaffer...Single, Baptist, JD from.....Regent U! Our government at all levels is infested with these christian nut jobs. I'm Proggressive, but no longer tolerant of these assholes. I want a Mao style Cultural Revolution against these idjits with all of the trimmings:-)

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"It also requires abortion providers to send copies of ultrasounds to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and in case you were wondering, nope, no other medical providers have to send pictures to the department when performing any other medical procedures."

Otherwise known as the Fuck HIPPA bill.

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A little hydrogen peroxide and a band aid will fix that right up. Take an aspirin and call me in three days.

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I like that idea!

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You just try to make doctors report GSW's you commie-loving, gun grabbing librul. Not gonna happen.

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This is absolutely sickening! But there is no war on women, right? What's next, rescinding our right to vote and own property?

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