See, also: Charles R Pierce.

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Honey, they're trying to legislate away the TWENTIETH century, and part of the nineteenth as well.

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Come to sunny California! We have tons of them larnin' places! Got about 100 just around L.A. or within an hour's driving distance! We also too are the opposite of a failed state! In fact we just built a new college down the street from me and it's real nice, real nice. What does SnarkOn Jr. want to study? The red states are already seeing a major brain drain as professors choose to teach elsewhere.

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This is the thing.

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Alternate plan: we form new country with California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii, and build a really strong wall to keep the failed states out. Mexico would certainly help out with that. California already has the 6th largest GDP in the world, and Washington has Microsoft and Boeing and apples, and together we'd probably be more successful than the whole rest of the country. Not to mention how much money we'd save not having to pay the bills for all those same failed states. God, I'm so sick of all our taxes going to pay for those fucking idiots who are dragging us back into the nineteenth century with their stupidity and laziness.

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Teach him the meaning of loss.

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Can someone remind Bourdain that the hostility is not going from us to them, but from them to us?

Has he forgotten how often the goodhearted folks of Red-State America have sent a giant Fuck You to the dwellers of Not-Red-State America whenever they could? Like the "nice people" who flat-out advocate that anyone in a blue state be disenfranchised? And the folks who have their hands out for federal money every time there's a stiff breeze but who felt that they could tell people who lost everything in Hurricane Sandy to go scratch? And the "heartland" audience who eagerly lapped up every huckster's burble about how only Red-Staters are "Real Amurkins" and spit it back in our faces at every opportunity?

Tony, cupcake, WE aren't the ones trying to exclude THEM from the country because they disagree with us... that boot is very much on the other foot.

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Yeah - I seem to recall this happening when NYC was looking for help... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Done and done: Many of your fine UC schools made the cut. We will see if young master Snark is good enough.

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I bow to your local knowledge!

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Good for Roy Cooper! His win was one of the very few bright spots in this miserable election year. I thought I was inured to lying, bullying Republicans but when Pat McCrory REFUSED TO CONCEDE I was astonished, and then when the GOP legislature pulled this crap, I felt like the military should intervene, it was so amazing. Reminds me of "At long last, sirs, have you no sense of decency?" Kneecap 'em, Roy!

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“They always fill me with a certain horror. It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.”S. Holmes

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County Boards of Election in Ohio consist of two Republicans and two Democrats with the Secretary of State casting the deciding vote in ties. A recent Republican Secretary of State had to decide the identical issue in separate counties where a yes vote in one county would favor the Republican candidate and a yes vote in the other county would favor the Democratic candidate. He voted yes to help the R and no to hurt the D.

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The government of my state supported a ballot issue, which passed, and he praised the voters for their intelligence and acumen. The next election, a ballot issue he opposed passed, and he complained that the voters were taken in by a slick PR campaign.

I guess you're only SMRT when you support Republicans.

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But, the grift starts on Day 1. Why do you think this was their priority?

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