There's a lot to love about this picture...but it's implied. For instance, why would any world leader pose shirtless like this. I can just see some member of Kim's inner circle say, "Dear leader, it would greatly raise the moral of our people to see you without your shirt". The back story to this is that the Supreme Director of the People's Glorious Morale had a bet with the Supreme Director of the People's Glorious Food distribution that he could get lil kim to pose without a shirt. At the last minute, the SDPGM was going to tell Kim that he was just fucking with him, but then remembered that he would be executed...thus the picture.

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It just dawned on me...didn't Putin rock the shirtless look?

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Aw crap...Barry lost the shirt too. Who else am I missing? Why am I replying to myself...is this some kind of autoerotic posting? Should I take off my shirt?

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Is your avatar a picture of ayn rand or are you just are you just a really ugly chick?

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Typical LIEberal. What if that was YOUR Korean child who couldn't pronounce his "L's", huh? Pretty brave, picking on a mere lad in his 20's.

BTW, why exactly hasn't Tuttle been banhammered?

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Oh, this is a different reply other than 'fuck you!' Did you finally get control of your Online Tourettes Syndrome? That was some wicked stutter action, dude. Glad you didn't swallow your tongue there during your spaz attack.

Hey champ, since when do Libertarians care about other people's kids?? You sure don't expect me to think you would support them with tax dollars or social programs.

Please explain how Ayn's philosophies dictate we hold anything, anything at all, out for Trig?

Also, could you explain how the initial comment was attacking Trig? As I recall, before you started spurting uncontrollably, it was "Thanks to nepotism, this is good news for Bristol and Trig, probably."

Here's your petard, retard.

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I think John Locke was the keyboard player for Spirit. He rocked. RIP

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From twenty-something hellraiser to four-star general. John McCain must be SO jealous!

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Ah, the Second Treatise of Civil Government! 'Twas all set to be ratified and enshrined in the Constitution, until the Four Fathers died, leaving it to languish in Locke's sock drawer for lo these many centuries. Teabaggers to the rescue (again!)

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<i>You know I have heard of Wonkette before and I actually thought you had some sort of credibility.</i>

Wait...WHAT? Credibility? Dude are YOU ever in the wrong place.

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Yo Kim...Tits or GTFO...eww, wait. Never mind.

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Dude, you get 100,000 Alabamians in a stadium together, and the best they will do is wear red tee-shirts, not necessarily right-side-out. In Pyongyang, you get mass-placard slogans, portraits, and kinetic displays with Swiss-like precision.

You must be thinking of Arkansas.

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Suck my balls.

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Regarding Kim Jong's portrait, attached to this very thread; that body makes a person want to forswear puppies and kittens forever, except maybe special occasions like Korean Thanksgiving.

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isn't there anywhere else we can warblog?

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You know, any political philosophy that allows people to rationalize letting the children of the poor suffer in order for children of the rich to get out of paying inheritance taxes, or increase someone's income from $2 million to $4 million after taxes, certainly does have a claim on the moral high ground.

Just saying.

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