New Jersey here calling fourth.

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Correct but when he told us all to f off and good luck not dying, our Governor's were supposed to beg him "please oh please don't leave us to fend for ourselves. We need your bigly, smart, sciency brain dear leader." Instead they said "No, you f off. We don't need you" and so now he is mad. It makes no sense but such is life with a narcissist.

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Colorado is pretty good with the volunteer orgs, fund raising and some endowments - Wildlands restoration (WLRV), the Colorado Trail Foundation, the Colorado 14'rs Initiative, and VOC work together and have a pretty good relationship with the FS since they provide so much labor and design work (quite a few longterm volunteers are landscape architects which has been a big win). Other orgs like Trout Unlimited will also get involved from time to time. There is a lot of coordination with the CDT as well since there is a big physical overlap with the CT in the state. WLRV and VOC also do a lot of work with city and county agencies - Denver and Boulder have lots of acreage in mountain parks with trails and they're being loved to death - population in state has doubled from 3 million to 6 million in ~30 years. But even then - the expectation is that a given segment of trail will only be touched once every 40 or so years. That many miles - not enough money or people.... Right now they're begging people to stay out of the mountains and off the trails - it's crazy how many people think shelter in place means drive a few hours to go hike the backcountry. SAR orgs are also begging people to stay home. The social trail damage and widening to avoid people by 6' are going to take many years to repair. They've destroyed the water shedding slope and there are just huge muddy holes developing. All the early season projects have been cancelled and all the involved organizations are just trying to determine how much of the 2020 project list will be lost.

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He'd blend completely into tree well if he weren't on the trail marker. I used to see horny toads in El Paso all the time. They're in Colorado(different subspecies is my understanding) but I've only seen one all the years I've been here.

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I mentioned that NPR interview w Whitmer already; she noted there that she's working with governors from WI, IL, IN, and OH, maybe even one more I'm forgetting, in a Great Lakes coalition. So by my sleepy reckoning, that's about 1/3 of the states banding together to be the grown-ups in the room so far. We're sorry for those of you down south who won't get sensible governance, but you think it'll get to 50% of the states or more growing a spine?

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Yes. The only reason West Virginia could pull away from Virginia was at the time, Virginia was part of the Confederacy, a foreign country. IIRC what I've read.

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Washingtonian here proud to call Climate Dad Jay Inslee as my governor.

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Thought you said he was blaming Mary Berry there for a second...in which case he might not have been wrong; that woman scares me.

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Vetter 33, brewed in Heidelberg, 33% alcohol. ‘Nuff said. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Not Mary Berry from the The Great British Baking Show?! I love her! That show is keeping me sane right now.

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But just look at her! A shark in pearls and an apron.

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Ever watch Trailer Park Boys? Trump is Ricky.

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"Each of the six states in the coalition will send three delegates to the group council..."

If only we had some kind of mechanism for states to work out things like this. Maybe a group made of "representatives" of all states. I've read that the US had something like that in the old days, but then a bunch of fascists, religious fanatics, and white nationalists took over.

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Fuck. I get Abbott in Texas. He's going to force us to go to Whataburger and we're all going to die. Not of the burger, those are delish.

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you guys are making me miss Montreal :(

Boreal's seasonal bottles are the best thing. I still have an Ephemere from 2001 and it's never leaving my living room.

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