"involve masturbation and cheetoes."

I believe you just let out the secret recipe for "lightly salted rat dicks".

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Me too. I've daydreamed a series of "Vote Republican Anyway" bumper stickers.

Jesus stood with the poor. Vote Republican anyway.

Billionaires and corporations <i>minimize</i> payrolls. Vote Republican anyway.

You get the idea.

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hey baggers!!! this is EXACTLY what you get when you call for second amendment solutions...

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And don't forget that Israel needs to exist to usher Jesus back onto the world stage. After that, the Jews can go fuck themselves.

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lutefisk libel

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Psycopath and unrepentant cunt, Libs thank Breivik is now following me. Seriously, if Intense Debate proclaims that it is the "world's premier commenting system", why doesn't it have a block function? You would think that the WPCS would have a way to block stalkers. This dude gives me the same creepy feeling I got when the priest asked me to help him move something in his office.

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"How pathetic"?

If pathos had mass, he would collapse into his own black whole of bitterness.

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I say son of a cunt all the time in the reals world.

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Just imagine the Cheeto and lotion happy trail that runs from crotch to mouth on these creatures.

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Group hug!

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Wait a doggone minute here. He posted on the AtlasFapped website? Does his kind want to return Europe to its roots...doesn't that mean teeing up on the Jews as well?

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Who can doubt the unconditional love that exudes from a perfectly done chicken parm? Nobody, that's who.

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Hey, bombers gonna bomb, shooters gonna shoot.

Guns and bombs don't kill people. Conservatives do.

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If Norway had our enlightened American Second Amendment gun culture, all the youths at the camp would have been armed, too, and all the Oslo office workers would have been packing ammonium nitrate, too.

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Rat dicks I hope cause people dicks would be kind of creepy.

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