I have an idea for a new survey: Who thinks that it's really sad that anyone is even asking US citizens if torture by their government is justified?

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I have an opinion, but Wonkette doesn\&#039t allow comments.

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What's the purpose of torture, anyway? Information? Who needs that when you have beliefs and opinions?

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I can only guess that hearing Sarah Palin's screech for the last 7 years has inured Americans to torture.

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I hate this fucking country.

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And sadly unsurprising that Reptards who lurve limited government support torture and the death penalty. (Also Stand Your Ground which is pretty much privatized death penalty.)

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People should read the Declaration of Independence, after "When in the course..." One of our reasons for rebelling was King George locked people up without trial. Also the Consitution after "We the people..." The parts guaranteeing a speedy trial and banning "cruel and unusual punishment".

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This is like Bryan Fischer saying <a href="http:\/\/www.rightwingwatch.org\/content\/fischer-jesus-would-support-use-torture" target="_blank">Jesus would support torture</a>. To borrow Al Gore's phrase, values are inconvenient.

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Well, the last Administration said the Constitution was just a goddamn piece of paper. Probably means the Geneva Convention and the UN Declaration of Human Rights were probably kept in the loo for when they ran out of Charmin.

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Instead of the old days when we tortured wedding guests with something we called the Electric Slide.

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There's non-gun bits in the Constitution?

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What the fuck went wrong? When did we repeal the Golden Rule? What happened to all these people? Where are the decent Moms that should have shame their shit-children into behaving like civilized people because THAT IS WHAT WE DO?

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It was a fun ride while it lasted, America. But now we're slowly sliding into fascism and barbarism, We've become a nation of cowards that blindly worship authority and who will abandon their morals and ethics at the slightest whisper of danger. We've become fat, stupid and lazy. We are incurious and complacent and completely self absorbed. Move over Rome, there's a new fallen empire in its death throes that will be taking your place in history as a cautionary tale for what happens when a culture devolves into shallow, mindless narcissism and just quits giving a shit about doing the right thing.

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