Speaking from experience (not with narcissistic sadists, just constant exposure to too many people for my introverted self): Yes.

Also, if you live in a city where private housing is not affordable, then you slowly lose all contact with your loved ones while your mind and sanity degrades but there is no alternative because you never get a chance to recover.

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As did Mothra Steuwart!

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Went through that.Discovered it might be the statin I was taking.It was.

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Pfffftttt!I remember when eggs would KILL you!

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It's not the same system, but it's the same kind of people who told a 5-yr-old girl her daddy was going to hell because he didn't go the same church her mommy did. And then they showed her pictures of where her daddy was going.

It's called Institutional Child Abuse, and is exacerbated by social, religious, educational and governmental programs designed to dehumanize specific human subgroups, and sometimes animals. I.E. Tribalism and Ethnic Cleansing. "Get they while they're young" is one of their top-10 propaganda mechanisms. It works, too. It's like that song in "South Pacific "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught."https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

As to why some people are drawn to such jobs, and others aren't, that is a much more complex subject and has to do with many factors, primarily personal empathy and their own family, educational and spiritual upbringing, as well as lack of tribal thinking. Empathy heads the list.

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As LT. On 2nd shift, I ran visitation. Once, a 5-year old girl asked if he could hug her daddy before he flew back to his country. She promised not to tell anyone.

I made up some story about spraying the air freshener the wrong way to explain the redness in my eyes. What kind of system sees a child hugging their dad as a security threat?

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yeah. I keep seeing this in my head. It won't go away. It will never go away. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That's great! I sure wish I could feel that way for more than very brief intervals. I take Adderall 3 times a day so I can somewhat function.

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I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea; I would stop breathing between 30-70 times an hour, with the period of not breathing averaging over half a minute. When I first got the CPAP machine I was still sleeping 10-12 hours a day and feeling like crap, but now I'm catching up on my sleep debt and starting to feel human. I'm actually WANTING to do things during the day, which is exciting. And wouldn't you know...a number of nagging health issues have spontaneously cleared up.

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There's a not of new info on dreaming. Apparently we dream at least once during each sleep cycle, and we only remember dreams if we wake up, or at least if we pass through to a lighter stage of sleep, while we are dreaming. I have had dreams where I dreamed that I was awake and dreaming, which I think is really odd, but apparently it is not unusual.

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By the way, is that useful? Is it even true? youth wants to know! Thx

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I was thinking 'evolution/survival'. If you need more sleep, having a lot of company won't help you get there. Thus, push people away until you get enough room to catch a nap.The too much sleep thing - seems to me that the commenter below has a point; if your sick you're more likely to be tired. So, is it 'too much sleep kills you' or is it 'to much death makes you sleepy'?

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I wanna know if the adverse is true. Does your sleep quality/quantity decline when you have some narcissistic sadists constantly violating your personal boundaries? resulting in a need to further withdraw (more isolation) in order to rebalance your sleep quality/quantity? Feedback loop?

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"out" vs. "open"

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...if you pull your refrigerator out.

I'm unclear on the concept. When I pull on the refrigerator, the door opens and a beer materializes in my hand. There's no "out" involved.

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He has dealt with it very well, once he got his insulin pump. When we were doings shots to the stomach that was hard.

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