Or sources of interstate handgun traffic: <a href="http://vizwiz.blogspot.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://vizwiz.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.htm...">http://vizwiz.blogspot.com/...

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Suddenly all the opposition to the First Lady's campaign against obesity makes sense.

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Another favorite: "Family name? What's that?" "It means 'Last name'." "Hmmph. [Grumbles] They could've just said 'Last name' and saved all the confusion."

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I'm more irritated when the 16 year old drop out shows up at school to show off her baby like a new outfit, and then leaves it with the office secretary so she can say hi to her friends. Ten teen moms at the high school I teach at, out of 150 girls.

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Along with the ever popular "America has the best health care in the world!"

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So...what do you think the common factor for these two outcomes was....? Hmmm???

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Ummm...I'm fat.

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The northern tip of Maine has the diabeetus too? Ay-yuh, hahdly makes sense. Must be puttin' too much sugah in tha flapjack battah.

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Counter intuitively, when rednecks get passports for the first time they often break them in with a trip to Cancun. And they have their bright, shiny new passports all ready to go. Often those of us who are flight crews are asked to help them with their landing cards and immigration and customs documentation, questions arise like, "it says here <i>passport number</i> and <i>date of issue</i>.....where do I find that?...." Oh, but they have some of the words and phrases they'll be using memorized. <i>¿Dónde está el bar?</i> and <i>¿Dónde está el bathroom?</i> They're so cute, you almost wish they'd never grow up.

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"Meaning you have to know how to read. "

Thus explaining why fast food menus use pictures instead of words.

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what's up with alaska?

that's not very palin like of you elistist AK passport holders...

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