a naked mole rat dick weep's it's last maggot lindsay cries he knows what its like

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I thought it was <a href="http:\/\/wtamu.collegiatelink.net\/organization\/poem" target="_blank"> P.O.E.M.</a>

(I fear that there may actually be no irony intended in that link.)

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A million dollars can go a long way if you don't spend any of it.

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"you don’t know how many vietnamese soft rolls to order. "

what? The Viet palate includes soft rolls?? Why was I not informed?!

Here's a bit of my poetry...

Roses are red Bruises are purple. Jesus Jumped-Up Christ that was some fucking awful poetry, 'manda.

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So much suck, so little time.

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thank you.

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God, you philistinish cretins! It's <i>supposed</i> to be horrible, stupid! It's SUPPOSED to have no sense of rhythm! It's SUPPOSED to have artless repetition!

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I was thinking more <a href="http:\/\/hitchhikers.wikia.com\/wiki\/Paul_Neil_Milne_Johnstone" target="_blank">dead swan</a> than expiring frog.

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I was just wondering what Baristas thought about it...

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OMG! Dok is a lumberjack? What year? I'm class o'1982.

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You mean you don't get 2-3 letters a week asking if the $60k you paid for your education didn't feel just a little bit paltry, and giving you the chance to fix it and send even more money to the school?

Because I sure do...

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