His evidence he's that important is that they do all this crazy shit to discredit him; his evidence that's why they're doing it is because he's so important.

That's some catch.

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He spoke Thai, so right there he is suspect. That's what edumacation does to you.

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Might also lead to accidents, guns being full of volatile high explosives and all. "Accidents" are also known to happen on occasion.

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We are indeed, the indispensible nation. (On account of our insistence on a credit check before dispensing anything.)

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This isnt good news for John McCain. He forgot his phone charger in the hearing room.

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Insane. Motherfucker.

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Well how long afore the NRA/Teatards/Hilljacks make a statement blamin the knee grows you know they are always doin that shit,.Maybe Obummer needs to talk to his kind and tell them they need to turn theys guns in cause the constytooshuns sechcunt emendent did not apply to them since they was not sitysins when it was rit and all

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The guy had a key card. He walked into a secure military instillation with armed guards, NCIS agents, and military police, and *still* managed to kill 12 people (some with guns he took off of people he shot) and wound 8 before going down in a hail of gunfire.

And yet the wingnutosphere will say that some bozo who took a CCW class could do better than armed, trained military and law enforcement personnel. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so damned macabre.

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Botulous pustule.

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Pat Robertson drafting his script now 'bout how the gheys and lack of prayer are to blame.

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What's an Ackman?

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Can the whole Congress be put on lockdown and kept there until they figure out that Obamacare and gay marriage are the least of anyone's problems?

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From <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/09\/16\/alex-jones-globalist-conspiracy-created-navy-yard-patsy-shooter-to-discredit-me\/" target="_blank">RawStory</a>:

<blockquote>Alex Jones had already announced that the tragedy was a globalist conspiracy to “discredit” him.

“You better believe that even if they’re just pure jihadis that did this, even connected to Al-Qaeda groups out of the Middle East being commanded by the leader of Al-Qaeda last Friday to attack the United States… even if that’s the case, you can believe, like the last three or four cases, they’re going to try to connect it to Inforwars.com and yours truly, part of the long-term demonization campaign,” Jones explained.</blockquote>

Just uh wow WTF I don't even?

Feds don't need no help discrediting you, Alex, you do that so well yourself.

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Rumor mill-ey AP statement was that Alexis had a criminal record...and a concealed carry permit.

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