That's why Cheney had to hurriedly change his voter registration address from Texas to the compound that they were building in Montana for him, since Shrubbie was already living at The Ranch Without Horses (as Molly Ivins called his ex-pig farm).

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"Stand Your Ground" is not archaic. It's new, shiny, helps street gangs and pew pew pew

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He's the governor of North Dakota. It's a state. Square, I think. (The state. I have no clue if their governor's square.)

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White people can scream at cops while holding loaded weapons, and those cops are forced to act under strict civility protocols.

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Also, Binders, I love your comments, I am sure virtually everyone values them. Measured, insightful, thoughtful, enlightening. My first non-comment was just silly foolishness, as I often make when stupidly on the internets when too tired.

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That the neighbor said there was no altercation should fucking be enough Sheriff Hog.

Also:was quite the mob, although maybe it looked bigger because of the complexion of the protesters.Brutal, Dok. Woooof. But true.

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I guess these days if one hasn't heard of a republican governor, maybe that's a good sign as it means he hasn't gone out of his way to be famous for doing stupid shit. Then again, I may have missed the stupid shit.

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About that "feud": this, the official narrative put out initially by the authorities, is the same both-sidesing Chris Licht just got fired for trying to shove down CNN's throat, and the Times slips into its political coverage day after erosive day.

When two sides are so horrifically asymmetrical, it's not a "feud." It's terrorism. White Lady Terrorism is still terrorism. When the side with guns claims "feud," ask questions.

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So she didn't even know who she was shoot at? There is so much horrible in this story but that just stands out. I can't imagine being so damaged or afraid of kids that I just start shooting blindly through a door

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These FL sheriffs are lords and masters of their respective counties. Ole Billy has been traipsing off to TX with the lads to get a handle on this here immigration inundation. There's a posse of these guys.

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I make foolish non-comments all the time. They just get balanced out by my heavy ones. Don’t feel bad. I just have days where I’m gonna rant, at length, because I’m full of righteous anger and it has to go somewhere. Lol

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Marissa Alexander was denied Stand Your Ground as a defense, so...........logically.......oh but wait, she too was a woman of color.

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If I were the parent, I would have been the one getting a gun. The mom would have been justified to use Stand Your Ground to defend her kids, explain it as self-defense to the cops later. Racist white lady would not be here to argue about it.

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So the investigators couldn’t support a stand your ground claim by the shooter. That should make this an open and shut case. Nobody disputes that Lorincz shot AJ Owens—not even Lorincz herself—and if it wasn’t justified homicide, then by definition it is unjustifiable.

Is there a charge for aggravated manslaughter in Florida? If so, charge her with that and offer her a deal with, say, five years knocked off. She’s 58 years old, so anything beyond 20 years in prison is basically a life sentence.

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So lady barked at the kids to get gone, threw some roller skates, and they scrambled and left an iPad, which she then took. The mom didn’t just go there to yell at her for throwing skates and racial slurs at her kids. She went there to ask for her property back.

Edit: Or did she throw the iPad at the kids and the mom went to discuss that with her? Where do the roller skates come into it cuz I’m reading multiple accounts.

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