Wang Dang Sweet Supreme Court Poontang.

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Huck's a preacher. Huck knows from which he speaks - because all this is in the Jesus Book. It goes like this: Jesus, health care, low poll numbers, Jesus not sorry, something something, Jesus die.

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Banjo Duel *fixed*

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I'm with the Huckster on this one. In fact, I'll go a step further and say we should just replace the Supremes with one of those really official looking old Bibles. When we have a question of constitutionality, any sufficiently rabid right-wing preacher can just hold his (because it will ALWAYS be a man) hand over the magic book and recite the magic mumbo-jumbo, then announce that whatever his personal feeling happen to be are also the personal feelings of the God of Creation, author of the Constitution.

Easy enough?

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or at least discover why Clarence never asks questions.... and why he keeps one hand under his robe...

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I'm so very thankful that Huckabee (a) has no apparent interest in exerting the kind of effort that it takes to run a serious Presidential campaign again, and (b) has a show on Fox on which he has taken the opportunity to reveal himself for the loathesome, hate-filled, putrid excuse of humanity that he is.

There was a time when even well-informed liberals found him and his schtick "likeable" and failed to point out the vile bigotry he advanced as policy. Which is to say, there was a time he seemed terrifyingly "electable".

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well we need to get that p score up don't we?

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So Chuckles is saying that the SCOTUS should run for president?

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This guy was actually governor of a state? One of <i>our</i> states?

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I just got a craving for squirrel meat. Weird.

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I thought the Supremes tried "let's all decide what's popular and the Hell with the law" in Dred Scott - and we all know that turned out well.

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Huck is a closeted birther who has a radio and Tee Vee show. Last week I learned of a 14- year old who also has a rad-did-eo show who is a racist and will be bloviating complete horseshit for the rest of my life. If you have a mass media show where you get to spew your bullshit opinion, I won't listen.

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Give the people what they want! Cream pies in the faces of Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Roberts followed by noogies.

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Let's just replace the Supreme Court with 5 or so blond "Fox Legal Analysts."

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"Justices Gone Wild® IV" on DVD and "Blue" Ray.

Get under the robes of the Supremes as they get active with the Fox News blondes. They'll use their gavels to lay down big rulings. Will they have the constitution for it?

Special bonus feature: Clarence Thomas re-enacts porn scenes he claims he never spoke to Anita Hill about. Really.

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