Is there some set number of things black people can be upset about, so they have to pick and choose? Do conservatives think black people aren't allowed to be mad about Trayvon Martin because since other injustices are also occurring, black people might accidentally go over their outrage quota?

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Kids today and their crazy music.

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What about George Zimmerman and the Knock Up game?

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Funny thing is- if not for all the pundits complaining about it, I never would have even known the American Music Awards were on the TeeVee last night.

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Macklemore was black when he played for the Texas Rangers.

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no vocabushemp?

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They don't make em like that any more. Which is one thing to be thankful for.

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Speaking of the AMA's, let this image <a href="http:\/\/big.assets.huffingtonpost.com\/kNL9WkF.gif" target="_blank">haunt</a> your holidays

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Of course, the <a href="http:\/\/www.slate.com\/blogs\/weigel\/2013\/11\/25\/why_the_knockout_game_trend_is_a_myth.html" target="_blank">"knockout game trend"</a> is about as real as the one of waking up in a hotel bathtub full of ice with one of your kidneys gone.

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Meanwhile, CNN is breathlessly fanning the flames. MSNBC threw up a graphic depicting the "spreading epidemic" with roughly a half dozen dots representing cities where this has happened in the last year. Yeah, six- quite the epidemic. It would be interesting to compare this "epidemic" to a map of all the run-of-the-mill muggings and purse snatchings that go on every day across the country.

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I really tried to give the movie a chance- because Farrelly brothers. But no, it just wasn't gonna happen- it sucked just like the rest of them

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This reminded me greatly of the men's rights movement: you can't get upset about a thing that happens to women if there is even one man suffering from the same thing.

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