theflamingcarrot easy

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Guess you're not a big David Lynch fan, huh?

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Oh great. He’s a shooting story in my area waiting to happen.

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Gees these guys need some angry-meds seeeeriously. Even sadder when its someone ‘ostensibly’ smart, rather than just disgruntled-confused-stupid-angry-type...who still wants the EUROPEEINGS back to that time where Los Angeles was totes (maybe) really white and nice! So yeah. Which parent spanked ya with household objects incessantly?

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Love it!

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There is a public shaming custom in China. After a "Human Flesh Search" (posting an offenders face everywhere to get help doxing) the offender then has the person's face and name poster electronically and in flyers.

The purpose is to publicize the behavior EVERYWHERE -and get the general poblic to shame them.

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Yes, but it's also sad and extremely frustrating for the heathens that they have to do that due to the racist fringe in their faith community. When the heathen folk do tables at events the intro often literally starts like this: "Hi, are you interested in Norse paganism? Let me start by saying we are not racists, we do not support that, we are involved in all this good community shit..." before they can even get to "here's some basics of our religious beliefs."

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That's true. I don't know if it might help them to interact with heathens who stand against racism. If you think it might, I can try to help you find more resources.

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They have to decide to stop hating first. But maybe I'll join.

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I'm really sorry to hear your in-laws have fallen in with this racist fringe. May I politely suggest you may wish to network them, or yourself, with Heathens Against Hate? They are a sub-org of The Troth, which was founded by Edred Thorsson (aka Stephen Flowers); in my experience Thorsson is very well-respected on All Things Norse Pagan. They're also a registered nonprof -- in TX, rather amazingly. They are also networked with the outreach program Life After Hate, to counsel people such as your in-laws.




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Dr. Strangelove libelz. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Most large corporations have Twitter accounts. That's who I contacted, when I found a 6-figure salaried employee of a large corporation posting Nazi shit publicly on his FB page under his real name with his picture. At first, I just got the beige "thank you for letting us know. The matter has been resolved." But now the fucker's Linkedin page says he is "looking for work."

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I guess. The original Ásatrú (in Iceland) priest has sworn off the Ásatrú Folk Assembly in the U.S. I'm staying away from it, for the foreseeable future. I still cringe when I see Mjölnir pendants. I guess it's a learning experience. Most people just hate their mothers-in-law because they're busybodies or something.

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Wanna know else who isn't a combat vet? Most RWNJs who say they are.

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Where on this site did you see any calls to boycott Northrop Grumman? I think you'd better check your oxygen tank. One of the effects of nitrous oxide is hallucinating straw men and trying to knock them down.

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Wanna know who is a combat vet? Robert Fucking Mueller.

Wanna know who isn't a combat vet? That POS occupying the White House.

Suck it.

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