This abortion bill will create a massive influx of fake people moving to Arkansas to work all those fake jobs this bill creates...http://media2.giphy.com/med...

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An abortion decision should only concern the woman, her doctor, and a bunch of reactionary politicians with deeply repressed mommy issues.

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Happened right before the Shotgun Wedding at Cana. Believe me, the bride and groom needed all the wine they could get.

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You're fun!So, if even ONE person MIGHT be harmed by a procedure, it shouldn't be performed? I'm glad you weren't on the team that fixed my knee last week. Happily I chose a microscopic risk in order to be able to, you know, walk again.And thank you for the accusation of being a paid shill for Big Med. Normally I am only ever accused of being a pervert. I will have to mention it to my intended tonight - she was a pharmacy tech for 35 years. Perhaps she rubbed off on me.

Oh, and your bias is so obvious it needs aircraft avoidance beacons. It's not a 'child,' luv. It's a fetus. You might need to bone up on your terminology too.

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I guess that's incontrovertible evidence that no-one should ever give birth at all. It's just too risky!

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shhhhh, She doesn't know I'm here. Do you have any idea what she would do if she caught me here? The secret service is trying their best to keep me quiet with hookers and blow.

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And that's why, as a medical professional, you need to be told what to say by the Arkansas state legislature. Because we can't allow women to make their own medical decisions, obviously, and you make a convincing argument that doctors can't be trusted to advise them in private either! Perhaps a transcript of her abortion "counseling" should be reviewed just in case...

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We'd all have a lot more free time and spending money, that's for sure.

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"It’s an unpleasant drug to take.”

I suspect these politicians consider that part of its charm.

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What, you saying it's unethical for the government to endorse human experimentation?

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Barney, The Lysistrata effect?

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Thanks for the 'snark!' Verbal barbs can be fun sometimes, when it's all intended for sport and not to denigrate someone else. I believe that your statements have been sent with eagerness and good will, and are received joyfully as such. So please accept my retort in like manner.

So far as the "one person is too many" attitude ... well that's a vestige from working in health care, and stems from the greater belief that health care professionals should "do no harm." Microscopic risk? Well.. the sarcasm hasn't gone to waste! As a wise person such as yourself fully well knows, all surgeries involve risk, be that great or small!

Biases ... oh yeah! Everybody's got them! You know, something called "world view" or "fore-structure." Problem is, too many people buy into the fallacy that you can live and think bias free. Ain't gonna happen! The greater problem with people's biases is when they are misaligned.

And by the way, best wishes on your recovery from surgery. I sincerely hope (no snark intended here!) that you have received top notch care and that your ability to walk -- even run-- is better than you had even hoped it would be!

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If "Do no harm" meant never do anything that might have an adverse outcome for the patient, medicine would never do anything. Every procedure, every drug, every treatment has a risk, as anyone who's worked more than a minute in healthcare should know. Unless you meant it to mean medicine shouldn't do abortions, but even that would fall flat in cases where the health of the mother is at risk. It also presupposes a correct answer to a question that has no provable correct answer and supplants your moral judgments upon a patient, which is something healthcare practitioners should be avoiding.

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A trowel? More like a backhoe.

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Feel free to interpret the statement "Do no harm" according to your own beliefs.

For me, it's a professional credo. I have a "patients first" attitude, and believe that my professional behavior should be governed by the desire to reduce or remove pain and suffering and to increase wellness for others.

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Well, that answered the supplants own moral judgement question indirectly, so I guess there's that from your non-answer.

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