Dr. John Harvery Kellog?

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Well, at least the kids can stop in at CVS and get a pack of Marlboros on their way home.

Wait, what?

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<i>“snack foods purchased in schools during the school day must be 50 percent whole grain, low sugar, low fat and low sodium”</i>

When the hell did school hallways become bastions of vending machines full of readily available junk food? When did people start to think that this was even remotely a good idea? When I was going there the only time you saw food for sale was when you lined up for your fishsticks and peas at lunchtime.

And at no time, ever, did the nice lunch lady give me a choice of a Snickers bar or an apple. I would have remembered something like that!

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And the Nebraska Corn Board is happy with that.

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Certainly they can find something to do with all the icky, nutritious food they don't want, like have a food fight? That's what I would do.

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In the near future all pron will be fat porn

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On an equally relevant note of derpyness, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples got his panties in a wad when the Dripping Springs School District announced meatless Monday: <a href="http://www.statesman.com/ap..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.statesman.com/ap/ap/texas/meat-free-mo...">http://www.statesman.com/ap...

I'm pretty sure some West Texas rancher and ADM called Todd and whined about the crazy Austin liberals not allowing meat on one day of the week. Todd is fucking shill to agribusiness and luvs Federal subsidies for Farmer Brown.

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When schools started cutting activities budgets would be my guess - hard to have a car wash to raise money in the middle of winter, so it's time to sell candy bars or pop-tarts or what have you.

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Yes, because having ONE day a week where if you want a ham sandwich you have to bring it from home is so oppressive.

I have a feeling that to Starnes, the "vegetarian" option should be a slice of white bread. “Yum. It's rich in bunly goodness.”

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It's tyranny Moochelle stealing the pop tarts for Barry and Reggie while specting our kids to eat like 3rd world illegal Messicans,the nerve of Miss Priss is getting out of hand Inpeach her and tell her to take old mommy jeans with her

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Perhaps Moochelle could organize a competition of some kind. Let's say two teenagers from each school district. Put them in an arena with TV cameras and let them fight to the death for a Pop Tart. Call it "The Hunger Contest". Or "The Pop Shot".

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Tic tacs aren't going to solve the diabeetus gap, lady! WE'RE GONNA NEED FRUCTOSE DRINKING FOUNTAINS

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Yeah, because any right-winger can tell you, caring about problematic, unhealthy diet issues is a limp-wristed libtard idea.

Oh, wait:

<a href="http:\/\/www.thiscityisgoingonadiet.com\/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thiscityisgoingonadiet.com/">http://www.thiscityisgoingo...

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Pfft. All that "food" belongs to Big AgriBusiness and won't be edible until it is processed and soaked with preservatives and additives.

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What'll it be today? Brown lumps in gray sauce, or gray lumps in brown sauce?

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Is there a rule that states they cannot bring Pop-Tarts and/or Snickers Bars with them to school after purchasing them at the local stores that are not subject to Obama tyranny?

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