just like a walmart supercenter. big grocery dept, home and garden, electronics, clothing, etc. The guns are in sporting goods, the section next to toys.

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That guy is pretty old to be a Millenial.

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as long as these kids stay off my lawn

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Truth! It's taken me a long time to learn "the fight is never over." When I was young, I thought we were bringing about permanent change for good. Silly me. That idea can cause burnout. So it's important to realize from the get-go that you can't ever stop with your "keep on walking, keep on talking" because the destination IS the journey.

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And it's the children. Poor kids have to do everything themselves these days. ;)

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they are welcome to trample all over mine. I hate the damn thing. Discovered this one weird trick: if you don't water it , you don't have to mow it. (except in the spring when the damn rain makes it grow. GRRR!)

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Asking to live? Greedy little fuckers.

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"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a child shall lead them." Issaiah 11:6

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Yup. And this is exactly why. Homeschooled kids are far less likely to ask questions - especially ones that make the babby jeebus cry! - and simply may not even know what they don't know. Or more importantly, why they should.

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This does not get stressed often enough if ya ask me, especially on matters of climate change. Old Bog or Ghod or whoever MADE the world JUST FOR US so it doesn't matter what we do to it because if we're good he'll whisk us all up to the sky before it gets unusable (and if we're bad, well, we should've been good so nyah nyah). And they actually consider that a moral position. SMDH.

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I adore these kids, and not just because they remind me of myself at their age. I never had any of my own, and I'm grandmother age now. They are the future, and they give me some hope.

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I'm binge-watching season 1 of Fargo, so I approve this message.

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Which is why Repugs are so against public schools

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And even that does no good if you don't have the Senate for the actual trial. Government? How does it work? Take a damn civics class!

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I am ready to accept my teenage overlords, especially if they show me how to make TV with the Xbox.

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