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Usually, talking tea-nut crazy gets you somewhere in this state.

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It's especially stupid for her to be this way because all four types of poisonous snakes native to the US are in Texas. We had them all at different parts of my grandparents' farm. Didn't matter how often we'd get rid of a nest of them, another group of them would come right back in and set up shop again in the habitats they liked best.

My grandfather's attitude was to let them be unless they started causing trouble or getting close to the house. He liked that they helped keep rats and mice under control. Rodents were actually more of a threat to the farm and livestock than the snakes were.

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Chiropractors kill though.

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Neato cool!

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I know! And now it's the former Hippie with haircuts and nice clothes and the Rednecks with long hair and Goodwill-reject clothes.

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Even Texana thinks she's nuts?

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we did have someone's pet cobra loose in Austin at one point. it resulted in this:


unfortunately, it was also hit by a car.

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So THIS is where you've been hiding out? You owe me $15 and you're over here PISSING IT AWAY on shitty beer? SCREW YOU LORI!!! GIMME MY MONEY!!!

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don't worry. just because Bruner doesn't get to inflict her own brand of crazy on our kids (at least the ones in the districts poor enough to need those free text books), doesn't mean that the SBOE won't warp the Mexican-American Heritage curriculum they were required to add. SPOILER ALERT!: white people gud, Tejanos bad.


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Related Topic: the Trib just updated its tracker of TX v. TEH FEDS lawsuits. we have spend $2.5 million of the $5.1 million dedicated to all this bullshitery on fighting the VRA. (though, to be fair, the one on how air quality testing does have one salient point: most of the meters read for carbon particles which includes all the allergens which afflict Austinites.) I have included a helpful chart to whow that it's not that we're stupid, it's that enough of us expend our stupid on not voting.


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And knowing is half the battle!

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You know who else likes tall, golden things? Terrific, classy, huge things?

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Hooker shoes that induce epileptic seizures. Who says America doesn't innovate any more?

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He's puff reflectively on his cigar, and then say, 'Zis voman is, as ve say in ze profession, completely meshuggah.'

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Is John Cleese touring again?

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