how adult. Is it also the norm here to attack someone for merely questioning the validity of satire based on poor grammar? And are you the spokesperson for Wonkette? if so, "fuck off" is a poor slogan to further readership. You should come up with something a little catchier.

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Damn that's funny. Sadly I don't think things will work out between us. Thank you for playing though and please continue schooling everyone with your rapier wit. Praise Jeebus.

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... it's Luntzian enough to qualify.

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Look at that face...can you imagine that face being the leader of the free world?i'm talking about her business record of course.

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Trump 2016

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He's dumbing it down for the righty readership that *can* read. That dubya-speak gets the point across betterer...

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The interwebs are rife with people that worked at both companies during her tenure. Let me just say that she won't get any general election votes in areas where HP has any presence, no matter who she's running against.

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Because they're vetted by the extremists of their party. Or by the Bush family tree.

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I am now trying to keep my laugh-tears from disrupting my coworkers.

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You nailed it. So many more just like her, enamored of the Jack Welch & Chainsaw Al school of business management (AKA lay off the worker bees, promote the incompetent, receive a golden parachute to go the fuck away and/or destroy the company).

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iCarly was fun and silly. It had personality. Everything Carly Clusterfuck Fiorina lacks.

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Until I see them in the same room, I will still believe that Carly is really Marilyn Manson doing a Poe sans contact lens.

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yes, all of that and a stomach load of vomit in the mix

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Oh that's one lesson he's learned from his long association with the defense-contractor wing of the GOP, for sure.

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Less than you'd imagine, given the circumstances, actually.

In 2000, in the midst of the whole Bush v. Gore ridiculousness, my mother begged us all to be civil at Thanksgiving dinner. We were models of civility and good behavior, discussing the situation politely but without heat.

The food only started being thrown when we got on the subject of the World Series, as half of us are Mets fans and the other half have gone over to the Dark Side.

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