Don't count Yertle out just yet aren't turtle's hearts the ones that can keep beating for days even after they're removed from their bodies?

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Yes I've seen this movie before. Just when you think the monster is finally dead, it pops back up and eats your face!

Anyway, to me that tweet from Trump confirms his intention to use 32 million uninsured Americans as a bargaining chip to try to force Dems to negotiate, sort of like having 32 million hostages. I mean exactly like having 32 million hostages.

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I need to make a wooden stake, and burn Trumpcare into the side....

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I remember when the WSJ was in hysterics because Hillary's health care committee held closed-door meetings.

Fast-forward to 2017. Nothing but closed-door meetings, no hearings, bare hours of debate...and from the WSJ, silence.

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They don't care if people live or die. They just want that sweet Medicaid money to fund their tax cuts for the rich.

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They probably aren't big fans of prostate checks. Too gay.

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Well, fuck. I mis-read previous reports.

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Where were you when W was pushing through his prescription drug plan with the doughnut hole?

Oh right. Endorsing it.

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The problem for republicans is that Obamacare has always been their "market based" plan right from the start. They don't have a better plan because the ACA was their plan. Obama passed it, altering it slightly from the original heritage foundation plan, and left republicans to either go along with it or oppose it but not have an alternative. We're seeing the effects of Obama out maneuvering them now.

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Re: The top photo:

"Sure, take a picture of my house before the paint job. That's fair. ... Oh, wait, that's after the paint job. ... Oops, sorry, Dok."

(Being quite honest ... our house looks quite like this, even with the badly-installed vinyl siding up.)

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Borowitz strikes again! The pen is mightier!

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Now That Trumpcare Is Dead...

I dunno. You think it will be, but soon enough it'll rise from its grave and start doing the "Thriller" dance.

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Truly, we need to get Shakespearean with our swearing. Modern day obscenity just isn't enough.

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And no Wiminsz involved in the plan....

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