My home office Overlord "Oreo". Not a monitor, an Argentine B&W tegu. So my activity is not reported.

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How many times do we have to go over this. There aren't just lizard people - there are also wolf people, eagle (hawk) people, and uh - maybe tigers or something? I forget. But there's four of them, and some of them are at war with others, and this is all Science Fact, for sure.

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Because, duh!, she put it on the internet! I mean, it's not like people write stuff on the internet while knowing it 's not true!

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Tiger person, actually. The twist ending is that she didn't feed her husband to a tiger, she ate him herself.

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Al Franken; Democratic, Farmer, Labor.Al covered his based, literally.

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Needs moar conspiracy theories!

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What in the everloving motherdog is that? ^^^^^

Guess I will not be sleeping tonight.

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As long as he's not physically harming anyone it's kinda cute, this belief in "lizard people". As has been said before, you're allowed to be wrong. He's simply waaaay wrong. If he's not harming anyone by doing something else, let him have at it. The so-called progress we've had since the Enlightenment has led us into different arenas of weird. We can fight it, or we can go along for the ride-- just to watch, of course-- because the basic human drives are pretty much the same as always.

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Yep, baby gila monster. Sharpie for scale.

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I watched the video. I don't get it. Even with the scary mood-setting music. You're telling me someone watched these people and decided they were really lizards?

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Chrome works fine for me.

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I think he could have developed his whole thing without the Enlightenment.

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