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"You know he's Not Insane!"

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They were no Einstein, were they?

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When Romney, and his campaign people, and all the other GOP POTUS candidates who lost to him in the primaries failed to work out of their political bankruptcy in the 2012 campaign, they lost not only for now but for *future* wingnuts. It's one thing to fail in opposition with relatively conservative, corporatist, DLC-type Democratic candidates--who are essentially rivals for Wall Street/corporate donations. But nothing short of Red-baiting can counter people like Sanders and Warren--and who but elderly white wingnuts, a cohort shrinking every day, would even respond to old shit like that? When GOP could assert that there was an "American Dream" in which anyone (well, white voters) could get rich, they had some good times. But now they don't know what to assert: there is no damned way they can square that austerity that follows from their policies that you mentioned with silly Reagan-era demagoguery...

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"One Organism, One Vote!"

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It's austerity for the 99% . . . can you guess where the money goes?

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Unlike most diseases, cancer can strike the rich as well as the poor. You'll never guess where Charles Koch sends the bulk of his charitable donations.

Hint: it's not malaria.

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Left to follow its natural course, it normally fades out by sophomore year in college. Permanent infections are rare, but can have devastating consequences. Science has yet to find a vaccine.

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Good news for all of us with big stock portfolios (93% of the 10%) or pension plans (10% of us)! For those not invited to the party . . . not so much.

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Oral (nyuk!) contracts are enforceable, but it would be an interesting case for a judge.

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