Well, grifters like to put the touch on people...

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Actually, there are 2 schools of thought on that, but he either didn't capitalise the "it" afterwards, or meant it to be part of the previous sentence, in which case the period (wherever it may lay) should've been a comma.

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Well, that's their cross to bear!

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You've got the wrong admin. It really started on November 4, 2008, when Obama was elected.

I knew immediately that there was going to be a huge white supremacist backlash, but that it would take a little time to foment.And there were quite a number of incidents during Obama's administration, but it is true that Trump winning upped the ante considerably cause all the cowards who were afraid to do anything cause they could be prosecuted not figured rightly that Trump would do nothing to stop them.

They were right.

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Yes, that is exactly when we really started going downhill. While Nixon was bad, Reagan was the one who tied the Repub to the extreme right-wing evangelists who want to turn this country into an all-white theocracy.Nixon, for all his badness, hated evangelicals.

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Yet more proof of her evil...

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Nailed it!

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Now you tell me...(my 19-year-olds acting more mature than employee in her 30s trying to freeze out successive coworkers with the 'frowning of a lifetime" thinking she ran the office by herself for 12 years when SHE DIDN'T!)

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(I wuz trying to plaster on a cosmology joke somewhere but I give up)

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And she had the first publicly known open marriage, IIRC.

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Convicted felon oliver north. What about that makes anyone think it's a good idea to crawl in bed with him?

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Rats!What number is the rule where we strike back?

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I'm still amazed that people go through life thinking things they do at work, working for someone else, revolves solely around them.

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Rule 34. The same one where everyone sees porn.

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There has always been women in country music who were a lot more assertive and independent than popular culture would have you believe. Give a closer listen to Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man" some time. It's subtle, but much more than a declaration of unconditional support, the message is "these assholes are so pathetic, they wouldn't survive a day without us".

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Oh hell no! I will take your word for it. I'm a rock 'n' roll girl all the way. I absolutely loathe country music, but Dolly was cool and transcended the genre by being honest. (I found them hypocritical pretending to be better than the rockers by hiding that they were doing as many drugs and having pretty much the same lifestyle.) (except Johnny Cash he was pretty cool too.)

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