Borrow Dick Cheney's mansized safe?

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<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/483266\/freepers-excited-about-prospects-of-new-civil-war-yet-again" target="_blank">Mostly the urbans</a>.

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Putting the "blast" in blastocyst?

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I'd go with "tax cuts cause deficits that only more tax cuts can fix". (OK, you said "industry", but otherwise it holds up.)

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For a while.

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My greatest worry is the morons who don't even know what "unloaded" means, because everything they need to know about guns, they learned from the guy at the pawn shop who sold it to them.

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Not as think as you dru ... azh drink as you thun ... screw it, give us a kiss, occifer. Which does not alter the fact that Goon is right.

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Stand your playground, kids!

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"rendering children useless in self-defense situations. " So, I guess there's no point in having them. Oh, wait.


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Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't sponsored legislation <i>requiring</i> gun owners to keep a loaded pistol under every pillow.

Because what could possibly go wrong?

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Preventing your genes from being passed on, <a href="http:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/nation\/2013\/05\/11\/children-protection-gun-violence\/2079177\/" target="_blank">after the fact</a>, is a bit on the brutal side, but leave it to the guntards to embrace the idea. (The fact that you might stop your neighbors' spawn in its tracks is a small price to pay for the freedumbz.)

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True, but brutal, since it's the kids who are most likely to get shot. But if 20 kids have to die in Newtown in order to preserve A2, what difference would a few more make? We've got to focus on what's important!

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Don't kid us. You're only asking about their gunz so you can report that information to FEMA.

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Nah ... zombies are slow. It's the commies, urbans, and U.N. stormtroopers they're worried about.

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Yes, it usually works out just fine, doesn't it? <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/1994..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.nytimes.com/1994/12/06/us/boy-3-killed...">http://www.nytimes.com/1994...

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Seems to me this is a bit like the car industry's determined resistance to mandatory seatbelt laws - the fear that if the product which <em>just happens</em> to be directly involved in tens of thousands of deaths annually is viewed by the public as somehow not being completely safe, maybe they won't buy as many.

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