Law enforcement didn't take stalking of women seriously until Rebecca Schaeffer and that nutball in California who blew away his former co-workers in an "If I can't have the girl I'm fixated on, you're all toast" attack.

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That's why the NRA is there...supporting whackos for 100 years.

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"So one of our most racist parties (in Oz) have been busted for snuggling up to the NRA for cashy money in exchange for reducing Australia's gun laws, so the NRA could point at us and say 'see? even they don't think gun laws work'."What a coincidence.When the Black Panthers marched in the late 1960s and early 1970s and brandished fairly powerful weaponry in their rallies, Ronald Reagan called for gun control.He was backed by....GASP!!!...the National Rifle Association.They should call themselves the "National White Rifle Association."

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Absolutely...we all know women are emotional and dangerous. Just look what happened with that woman in Los Angeles in 1933 whose son was kidnapped.They brought back a kid claiming to be her son, only he wasn't, and when she objected, they tossed her in the lunatic asylum, because she was "complaining and wasn't listening."And what had happened to her son? Oh, he really had been kidnapped. By a totally different guy, the "Wineville Chicken Coop Killer," and while the cops were congratulating themselves on a job well done and tossing a frightened mother in jail, this guy was raping and killing boys on his farm, the son among them.Yes, men always know what to do. This was the plot of the movie "Changeling," by the way.

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That's an insult to maggots. They get rid of dead bodies.

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You mean three years of unrelenting b*******.

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Is that why tRump needs so many?

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Just how like a "responsible gun owner" remains that way until he opens up on a yard full of schoolchildren.

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The NRA only worries (just a little) about optics. To them, every death, every injury, every single loss is an opportunity to sell guns. To them every death and every injury is simply the natural price we have to pay for our freedom. We're the ONLY "free" nation on the planet to does this too. That should tell you something. Unless you're so willfully deaf you can hear.

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Better fire up the impeachment 9f any Governor or Mayor that is telling the Feds to piss off over immigration then.

This, or something similar, was going to happen as soon as sanctuary city and state declarations were made.

Also, who is going to impeach these sheriffs? The people who voted for them precisely because they hold these views? Not likely.

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I dunno, I'm just the messenger.

What is the course of legal action, then? They're not invincible sheriffs.

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Not to inject reason into this mess, but the idea that Constitutional rights can be taken away due to charges, not convictions, but charges, is a huge grey area, a slippery slope, and the third rail, combined.

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No idea. I'm not that up on the laws. The thing is, until they actually refuse to enforce a red flag order and someone dies, they have not violated the law.

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Y'all need to start your own gun lobby, 'cause the ones representing gun owners aren't really serving your interests.

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I hear you.

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The more the merrier.

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