I guess there's no salad bar at that TOTALLY NOT GAY NRA Sausage Festival...http://media3.giphy.com/med...

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I'd really to talk to some of these people on the day Obama leaves office without taking their guns, issuing martial law, throwing Christians into FEMA camps or announcing he's staying for a third term.

You know, just to see what their reactions will be when none of their predictions come true.

Sadly, I imagine they will be along the lines of something like, "We did it, guys!"

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Photos OK.Stupid GIFs, Not OK.

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'Cause like the only country with a semi-automatic on their great seal is Mozambique! The Communists put it there back in the 1970's when they were in charge.https://upload.wikimedia.or...

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Well, he did have a penchant for dressing his captive mens in pink undies. Do the math.

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Randy Get Your Gun, coming to a stump near you. As for the NRA Convention, open carry or STFU.

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Somehow, I just knew there would be this kind of comment on this article right about now.

I don't know, I really think some of these gun nuts actually jerk themselves off with their own gun oil, they get so turned on by those big, long...barrels. Why else, if not for an irrational love of their guns, would they continue to believe the bullshit about "jack-booted thugs" that Wayne LaPierre has been peddling for the last 20 years?

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Oh, you know us dirty liberals, just gots to put sex into everything. Not like those "family values" conservatives, who engage in homosexual sex only in airport restrooms or only make our mistresses have an abortion. Because that's totally what Jeebus would do, right?

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Oh, now don't tell me you haven't heard of Larry "Wide Stance" Craig?


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Or Scott Desjarlais, the pro-life Congressman who tried to make his mistress have an abortion.


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Hey CB, still trolling?

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When is Obama coming for our guns? These pro-gun people talk all the time about Obama coming for our guns, and nothing happens! Here I am, expecting something out of "Red Dawn"-paratroopers coming down from the sky, military trucks loaded up with seized 'Muricans' weapons, but nothing happens! Talk about a total let-down.

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"I don't know the people you are talking about. In fact you referred to a liberal..."

You don't see how it looks like you may have contradicted yourself there?

And Larry Craig is no liberal. He's Republican.

Also, "I do not know what a liberal is..."?

Yeah. I call bullshit there. I can look at your previous comments, dude. I'm guessing you're not entirely new to this politics thing.

Also, double posting the same comment? Yeah, you're a troll, and a dumb one at that.

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Let me know when Obummer comes for them guns, ok?

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You're thinking of Arpaio. I'm talking about Paul Babeu. For a while he was everywhere on Fox talking Tyrant Obama and even ran for congress. Then his undocumented alien male lover came forward and outed him. Now David Clarke is all over Fox.and Paul Babeu is back to just being sheriff of Backwater County Arizona.

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Wherein I reflect on when I lost my gun virginity:


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