Russia doesn't have the right to bear arms, but doesn't actively stop people from owning guns. Unlike here in the God-Fearing US of A, if you want to own a gun in Russia, they make you get a license after attending "how not to shoot yourself in the foot" classes and passing a background check. Source: https://www.loc.gov/law/hel...

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Also, too, I used to work with a Russian immigrant, and she said during the 70s and 80s, when she was in school, they didn't teach kids bullshit like "duck and cover", they taught them how to fire rifles, explaining that if they survived the nuclear bombs, they'd have to fight off US troops somehow. So, yeah, as much as Russia fucks with us, I have to admire their pragmatism.

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gee, it's almost as though the super patriots of the NRA were dead set on destroying this country for profit. who could have seen that one coming?

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Thanks Even, for making some sense of it all.

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Prohibited WeaponsSpecial restrictions are imposed on the circulation of civilian weapons. Prohibited firearms are those with a cartridge capacity of more than ten bullets, those that can fire in bursts, those with a barrel length of less than 500 millimeters or an entire length under 800 millimeters, and those that can be shortened to a length of under 800 millimeters without losing their shooting capacity. Rifled-bore sporting guns and pneumatic guns with a pumping power of more than 7.5 joules and a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters must be kept at shooting ranges.[28]The list of prohibited firearms includes (1) those with shapes that imitate other objects; (2) cartridges with bullets for armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive, or tracer action; and cartridges with shot charges for gas pistols; (3) weapons and other objects whose destructive action is based on the use of radioactive radiation and biological factors; and (4) gas weapons charged with nerve-paralytic, toxic, and other substances not permitted for use by the government or gas weapons that can cause a medium degree of harm at a distance of more than one meter. Also, the sale and installation of silencers and sights for night vision are prohibited, with the exception of sights for hunting. The policy for using such sights has been specifically established by law. The Law on Weapons does not allow the shipping of weapons by individuals.[29]

Yep, just like in 'Merka! /s

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Oh, he has them alright. They're as delicate and gossamer as swan's down.

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I wee a little every time I see this.

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What else does the NRA spend its money on, aside from buying politicians, er, campaign contributions? Propaganda videos? Events? Seems to me, the bulk of the budget would still be politician buying.

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The spend a lot on commissioning pro-gun artwork.

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I hate to admit it, but I have a deep fondness for the Warthogs.

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"pro-gun artwork" immediately conjures up that photo Wonkette used to include on every post about guns of the hirsute, rotund fellow in his fetish skivvies surrounded by his guns.

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Now are we talking about a Walmart in the sticks somewhere or one in downtown Boise?

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We gotta love it!

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No lie. And Hulu added "KC Undercover" which is also a very bad show. I still think Disney's "Jessie" is the worst sitcom of all time, though.

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Not sure if "wang of the NRA that doesn't have to say where the money comes from" is dickjoke or typo but either way - appropriate

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I'm in Alaska, no income tax. I guess I'll start checking the box. I honestly thought it would be me donating out of my return. Thanks for the info.

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