First thing that popped into my head reading the original post


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I have a friend from high school who almost joined the NRA. She was young with a head full of animes and thought it'd be badass to learn how to be a sharpshooter. Possibly from an armored golf cart.

She hasn't really said so, but I'm sure her opinion has soured over time.

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I heard a guy on the radio protesting the shootings earlier today. He said these problems we're facing haven't even begun to be addressed since the 60's. Like, you can write "2+2=X" on the board and try to solve that problem. But we haven't even gotten to the equal sign; all problem, and no possibility for solution.

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...*sigh* Kanaya? Will you help me out again?http://67.media.tumblr.com/...Thanks, love.

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Exactly. This civil rights attorney started out adversarial with the LAPD but started talking to them, and then together they worked out a community policing model that gives hope.http://kuow.org/post/police...

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Hug that child. This senseless parade of death is too much for anybody.

John Lewis and allies have noticed. Paul Ryan and friends? Tell them all you want, it won't matter. Because they're bastard people.

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Ya see, as a beer geek, one would think I should know that one lil' detail, BUT NO....

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Did you know that the FBI's data on deaths that occur during interactions with police is based on a *voluntary* reporting system, and is horribly incomplete? I did not know that myself, and was shocked to learn of this. Here is The Guardian's project to compile a *complete* database on such deaths.


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As do I.

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*offers gin all around*

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On another thread on the same general topic yesterday, police killing African Americans, I posted this, as a more or less plausible idea to help uproot the racist culture that unfortunately infests so many minds, individual and, apparently, collectively:

I refuse to entertain the delusion that police pulling over black citizens for minor violations such as a broken taillight and then resorting to murder instead of issuing a ticket is somehow related to politics, either of the right or the left. There is probably enough experiential data available for the police departments to consider a different approach altogether in managing, for instance, a broken taillight. Most often, second perhaps to killing the driver, the police manage that infraction by giving a warning to the driver, a ticket perhaps. So, the infraction can be dealt with entirely by taking a photo of the vehicle, including the license plate and then issuing a ticket to whoever the car is registered to. No good reason at all to pull a driver over for a busted taillight, or for changing lanes without signalling unless it results in a near collision. Poor judgement, to say the least, contributes to the killing of African American drivers. That and an irrational fear or expectation that they must be prepared, first, to kill the driver when there is the least physical movement of a limb or a movement of the head or a look in the eye. Let's keep the policeman safely ensconced in the womb of his bucket seat, surrounded by all his self protective weapons and a taser and a wireless to all the backup he needs. Also the policeman can keep his car door locked. This has a dual advantage. It saves the policeman from having to feel, for whatever reason, that he must kill to survive the traffic stop, and gives the African American driver confidence that he can make it safely home without being riddled full of holes by a cop that is governed by irrational fear. Unless there is obvious imminent danger to another human life that requires police to exit their cars, let's just let them police from inside the damn things.

copy and pasted from the comments section of five_dallas_cops_killed_by_sniper_who_wanted_race_war_joe_walsh_says_hes_in

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Wow. She smokes a brand of cigarettes that's very popular with the black community. Therefore, she and her boyfriend committed armed robbery to acquire said pack of cigarettes, obvs.

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I like your style sir and/or madam.

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The broken taillight is an excuse.

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