Running won't help, she has time powers.

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Has not been legal in a long time.

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Super meme!

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Know what else sets back fund-raising? Dilution. Lady MS has been a regular contributor to Brady group, founded by namesake Jim & wife Sarah, after Hinckley episode back-in-the-day. They have been focused and tireless in their efforts to enact sane gun laws. Howsoamever...with each atrocity, mass-shooting, national tragedy (that flagpole's getting worn out, doncha think?), a new interest group emerges soliciting funds from the same donor base. It happened after Sandy Hook, Pulse, the Giffords shooting spree, Parkland...ad nauseum. If the sane gun legislation folks, like the gunhumpers of the NRA, ever united under one banner and pooled their resources, NRA would be outraised, out-lobbyed and 'outgunned' in a CT minute. Will the Left ever get it right?

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Well! She looks surprisingly bored.

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You have gained wisdom.

But take heart.


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Don't know what the point of this thread was, other than "Vote for me!". But the "[they want to] raise your taxes" gets me wondering if he is talking right to rich folk. Because those are the ones that should get their taxes raised back up. Especially estate taxes, seriously.

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Sigh* Every time I see a post from you, now, I check for the numbers. Trolls suck and poison things for weeks around them.

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We have heard of Dead Peasant Insurance - someone objected when it was uncovered in some companies.https://www.snopes.com/fact...

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I understand that. But I also understand how life insurance works as an executive benefit.

This really isn't the place to explain it, but I work as a financial planner. Much of my strategy revolves around cash value life insurance.

If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to point you in the right direction, but as much as it pains me to say, in this case, the NRA is doing nothing unethical.

Many, many, many political campaigns (John McCain's alevai sholem) were funded by life insurance policy loans.

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Remember who the beneficiary is, and who is taking out the policy.

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No offense, but your friend is a mark.

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Since my advancing age now precludes drinking much beyond 10:30 or so, it's kind of moot, but . . . back when younger we used to convince gullible bartenders that on "turn back your clock night" when it became 2:00 it was all of a sudden 1:00 and they could keep serving us. A couple years ago I happened to be looking thru the PA liquor laws and I'll be damned that we were right. It's spelled out right in the Liquor Code!

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Talking to a friend one evening and he was lamenting laws that restrict buys to one piece per month (don't know if that's true or not since I don't own a single one) and I, of course, said "Larry that's 12 guns a year, every year; how many more do you need?" His reply, natch, "Oh, I have all that I NEED but I don't have all that I WANT."

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Is he even allowed to handle fire arms with that lingering felony?

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