Honey boo boo is from Georgia, so yes.

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I really can't wait until honey badger gets to th league. Honey badger vs. megatron? Awesome.

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Trying to stir up paranoia among the NRA's crazy membership? That's a bit like trying to rustle up some racism at a KKK konvention.

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Sticking a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger <i>could</i> lead to some kind of brain damage. That's the trouble with guns: so many things could happen.

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Troubleshooting a malfunctioning toilet? You should leave that to a plumber.

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Death threats, unless I'm mistaken, are against the law. This is a perfectly reasonable limitation on our rights under the First Amendment.


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sounds much more effective than a taco and a box propped up by a stick

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Delmarva will not be ignored!

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I watched someone this morning text while trying to drive. They were all over the road, but no one died, so - no harm done, right?

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How is Keene going to defend 'Murica against the jackbooted thugs of tyranny (Obama) with wimpy 10-shot ammo clips? Everybody knows you need a good 50 or 100 shots to take out an incoming Hellfire missile.

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Could be one way to get rid of disruptive students.

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Post of the week: "mamslaughter!"

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Maybe he had some other use for the holster.

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"Survival of the shittiest" is hardly a recipe for improving the situation.

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I'm not sure why, but the job of school principal seems to attract a more-than-statistical share of complete assholes.

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