Klobuchar's bill doesn't seem to me to make any difference to the actual set of people who are covered by the domestic violence clause of the Brady Act, it mostly just seems to clarify the language on that front.
In terms of the NRA's made up shoving match scenario... how do they feel that case is going to go to court and result in a conviction, exactly? Neither police nor prosecutors are going to be interested in a shoving match unless they have reason to believe there's more to it.
Terrorists and criminals thank the NRA every day for making their job easier.
Slightly OT: In the past the NRA has opposed denying guns to people on the "no fly" list because it lacks due process. But some activist judge ruled you can appeal inclusion on the no-fly list. Due process! Maybe now we can keep terrorists off planes AND make it harder for them to get guns. Your move NRA.
Weekend Update Commentator Emily Litella: What's all this fuss I keep hearing about gun owners wearing stockings? Stockings are a wonderful way to keep your legs warm. If we don't allow gun owners to wear stockings, the children won't learn how to dress properly.
NRA HAS to be crazier than shit like Gun Owners of America or the like, otherwise the crazies will go GOA and leave the NRA in a pool of tears.
"Sod your sales, I have to worry about the Public!"
Would that we had a John Cleese with us here.
Klobuchar's bill doesn't seem to me to make any difference to the actual set of people who are covered by the domestic violence clause of the Brady Act, it mostly just seems to clarify the language on that front.
In terms of the NRA's made up shoving match scenario... how do they feel that case is going to go to court and result in a conviction, exactly? Neither police nor prosecutors are going to be interested in a shoving match unless they have reason to believe there's more to it.
Terrorists and criminals thank the NRA every day for making their job easier.
Slightly OT: In the past the NRA has opposed denying guns to people on the "no fly" list because it lacks due process. But some activist judge ruled you can appeal inclusion on the no-fly list. Due process! Maybe now we can keep terrorists off planes AND make it harder for them to get guns. Your move NRA.
Weekend Update Commentator Emily Litella: What's all this fuss I keep hearing about gun owners wearing stockings? Stockings are a wonderful way to keep your legs warm. If we don't allow gun owners to wear stockings, the children won't learn how to dress properly.
Stalkings? Oh. Nevermind.
Hahahahahaha + all the upvotes.
It's basic economics -- supply and supply.
I think they're going to call for armed guards outside all shooting ranges.