Looks like the NRA's exciting new Young Fresh Face, Colion Noir, has gotten himself a hip new official NRA webcast where he can Gun It Up for a new generation of gun fondlers.
Guns and young idiots . . . a match made in Hades. Because <a href="http:\/\/launch.newsinc.com\/embed.html\?type=VideoPlayer\/16x9&amp\;videoId=26093553" target="_blank">what could possibly go wrong?</a>
Guns and young idiots . . . a match made in Hades. Because <a href="http:\/\/launch.newsinc.com\/embed.html\?type=VideoPlayer\/16x9&amp\;videoId=26093553" target="_blank">what could possibly go wrong?</a>
They would never get away with using the Spanish word.
&quot;Politically correct&quot; is a good thing to them now?
Mr. Noir, the last I checked no one got killed with a shoe. Killed <em>for</em> their shoes, with a gun, yes. But not killed with shoes.