Oh for sucks fake

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Private placements are managed through Faustian Negociants LLC, a wholly-owned susidiary.

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It'll be in the next DSM.

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That's not really a problem...

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That would be silly. I'm sure they have in mind the usual <a href="http:\/\/www.springerlink.com\/content\/t4670063651282m5" target="_blank">scientific methods. </a>

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I have an office on K street. We'll be pretty busy, up until the first week of November.

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It is only religion that would revere a man... (fify)

<a href="http:\/\/www.springerlink.com\/content\/m62502thqv88w757\/" target="_blank">And not only in the bad old days, either. </a>

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Umm ... if history teaches anything, it's that religious types don't see this as an "either-or" proposition.

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Don't forget the html code that pops up a message when you click on "Yes":

"Are you sure? Federal regulations require you to answer NO before we can ship your grenades, body armor, assault rifle, and 6,000 rounds." ____Yes, I am nuts ____No, I just want my guns

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Sure was a bad couple of weeks, for all of us. Now we just moan about all the parties he throws while he's back from college ;)

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Never underestimate the power of <strike>stoopid</strike> vast amounts of inherited money..

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"K-Lo, phone homo?"

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Tokyo. Thousands of nearly-identical-height Japanese girls in four-inch platforms. Which makes them all 5'5".

Actually, it's kinda cute, as I recall.

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Or, you know, possessed.

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Shit. I missed that.

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Hey! I resemble that remark.

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