You know, there are some words I've known since I was a schoolboy: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably." Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie, as wisdom...and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged.

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I prefer canar.

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Every. Word. Is. It's. Own. Sentence.

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I'd just like to say: "Belay that order".

Also, too...

<blockquote>NSA wisely avoided the more obvious SF analogy.</blockquote>

Indeed, otherwise the more astute congresscritters would likely have correctly proclaimed:


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Hopefully, with Lucas now consigned to the Pit of Carkoon, the cool stuff with actually be cool, and not full of "cool" Jar Jar.

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Capt. Jean-Luc Picard would be aghast at this, and then proceed to give a constrained, but heated, speech on the immorality of this kind of spying and the bureaucrats who would use it for their own aggrandizement, liberally sprinkled with Shakesepearean quotes. Then he would offer us all some nice Earl Grey.

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We heard that before, and we got Jar Jar Binks. I'm not going to get all excited about these ones. (although...JJ Abrams DOES give one hope)

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UnHoly fk. This is an Onion story, right?

If an IRS Director did something like this, the GOP investigations would be off and running, Fox et al would be screaming taxpayer waste, Obama tyranny, blahblahblah.

Guess if it's about 'stopping terrorism' or bombing shit, then all's cool. I'm starting happy hour early.

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Sadder than that - some of the leg-is-late-ors were impressed by it.

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NSA: Resistance is futile.

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once you go blue you never go back

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two words: space crabs

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Today is a good day to spy

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I liked Enterprise, it had some rough spots, but eventually developed some decent storylines right about the time they shitcanned it. Voyager was a joke- started out big budget bad and went downhill from there. it got to the point that even 7 of 9's tits weren't enough to make it watchable

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