Do you doubt that they would secure the shit out of the homeland? Huh, do you?

I thought so.

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<i>Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, made clear that he hoped to exact the ultimate revenge, taking back control of the Senate and using the new rules against the Democrats who made them. “The solution to this problem is at the ballot box,” he said.</i> -NYT

Yes, Mitch. Yes it is...

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Ultimate irony is that Dumbya undoubtedly picked her because he knew she was anti-choice... it was the only qualification he ever looked at, in any judicial appointment: "I know what's in her heart."

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you've been spending enttirely too much time on wonkville

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So in other words you is saying old Harry has been caught up on for not wearing his jock strap back in his high school gym class days, they always say iffin you dont wear it your nuts will hang real low when you get old.I am glad was startin to think someone was going to have to stick a broomstick upin his ass and pry them nuts down

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Good point -- I think this rule change only does away with fantasy filibusters. You can still have *actual* filibusters to your heart's content.

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If that's not porn, why do I feel so gross and hate myself so much after watching it?

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If that happens, Harry may just have to change the rule again.

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The Senate majority, and the Presidency, at the same time.

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And convicting an impeached official.

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<i>"...and also too to jam more things down our throats."</i>

That's how Republicans view democracy. Sometimes. But let's take a look how they be jammin'

Voter ID laws: jammed down our throats. Food stamp cuts: jammed down our throats ... well at least it's nutritious. Vaginal probe laws: jammed down our throats ... oh wait...

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As they say in racing : that took some rather large attachments.

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I was about to say "No president would be stupid enough...", and you went and reminded me of what might be Dumbya's greatest WTF? moment.

Mind-boggling trivia: Miers was recommended by some dolt named Harry Reid.

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The Founders didn't write in the Constitution 60% of Senators were needed for everything. Fun fact: The only mention of 3/5s has nothing to do with the Senate!

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Oh thanks.

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