this is not the only thing that's weird about californians.

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I find that happens when I've been drinking a lot...or if I have eaten a lot of chocolate.

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The working man gets the blame again!

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You mock...but the aroma is reminiscent of late season lilacs with overtones of sulfur and earth and a lingering asparagus finish (although that might be from last nights supper).

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Many upfistings for that one....

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What a bizarrely informative website.

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Zott, Crackle, Oops are my favorite breakfast cereal!

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see!!!??! we don't need al qaeda to celebrate 9/11 month!!!

USA!! USA!!! USA!!!!

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this is what my boy says to everything that happens in our house even when the cat throws up.

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Clearly, the electrical distribution system is over-regulated.

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It's funny you mention that. I eat very little meat and my poo smells like flowers.

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