Just forget all this bullshit and implement Kamala's plan to give everyone $2000 a month until COVID is under control. Of course the red states may never do what needs to be done, so again, the blue states are subsidizing the red states.

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People come in the door, knowing the house has the odds in it's favor and then they give you their money.

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Bill Barr and Stephen Miller could get behind that plan. At least the second part.

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I'm all for continuing the extra $600 per week for the unemployed. It makes me question SS disability payments though. On top of the normal unemployment benefits they get $2400 more a month. This is more than they would be making at a regular slave labor job. Most people on SSDI don't make near that much and this is our norm every month. Yet we are expected to survive on it. See the disconnect? With the cost of basic foods and household products going up every week (it feels like), why can't we get payments that will let us live a bit better too? Pity the bottom feeders or at least see us as humans for once! Go with the $2000 extra for EVERYONE living in dire circumstances.

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Yeah. I didn't scroll down.

You get the gravy.

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Life insurance companies can tell you what anyone's life is worth for a price. A long term, debilitating illness. Even just body parts. And I don't just mean Betty Grable legs for a $1 million which would be a gazillion today.So Trump just has to figure out the incentive to work amount of dollars to include the risk of catching the virus, and of course the additional risk of dying. Any insurance company could say what these costs are, I'm sure. So add that to the unemployment amount. Eazy Peazie.

If those numbers seem high, then Plan B:Ask Trump what he would pay to NOT be deathly ill for 6 months?What he would pay to NOT to die ?

Good numbers to start from, I'm sure.

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You were lucky! When I was younger, the only job around was hitting trees with sticks! It didn't do anything, but it kept you busy. People would do anything to get that job!

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I'm having a hard time comprehending this "$600 per week" thing. Considering the school is paying me a hair over $600 per MONTH, and I'm piling in nearly a full time schedule, what planet are we discussing?

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"So Mr President, what exactly do you mean by 'incentives'? And what are those big guys doing over there with cattle prods?"

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Well, gee, it's not his fault if you don't go out and start the next Google.

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You had sticks? I wish we had it that good . . .

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The school is paying you $5.00 an hour?

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Hmm. The internet cannot be trusted, I reckon.

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A few hundred million you mean.

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What, so some hippies can fart around making art or planting flowers or making music? Or using the time outside a crushing office job to join some soviet community projects organization to help pave roads or learn how to maintain crumbing infrastructure, in turn learning valuable skills? Or volunteering to help the disabled, the sick, or the marginalized without having to worry about paying bills? I'D RATHER BE DEA-coughcoughcoughcoug

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