Apparently it prevents you from running in a general election on another ticket if you ran in a primary and lost.

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Most states enacted such laws after some notorious cases like Joe Lieberman

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Harry Truman liked to say in his stump speech, "Money is like manure. It does good if you spread it around, but if it just piles up, all it does is stink." At Bess Truman's garden club, one of the ladies asked Bess, "Can't you get him to say 'fertilizer' instead of 'manure'?" Bess said, "You don't know how hard it was to get him to say 'manure.'"

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Really. There are many ways to be immoral in politics, sabotaging the causes you pretend to believe in.

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Of course you would. You're consistently anti-progressive.

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Was it only the DCCC that black listed anyone who worked with AOC?

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Perhaps if certain folks didn't constantly attack progressives with republican talking points in 2020, 2016, and 2000 things would be different.

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Bernie could hurt Hillary in 6 months more than 30 years of fox news? Fascinating.

Her negatives were high before the race and stayed there regardless of Bernie.

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Why not support the party candidate in the general? You anti-progressives must at least care about winning the in general, voting blue no matter who? right?

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No, that framing is the Koch Bro and Cato Institute 'break up the left' talking point. It does little good to increase Black employment rates if the jobs are exploitative and can't be lived on. You need both good jobs and pro-minority policy. BOTH not one or the other.

You anti-progressives keep pretending that shit jobs are ok. They are not.

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This is why I don't send money to the Dem party, but only to individual candidates. They do not support Dem primary voters and not for the first time.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Or, where the Dem establishment is concerned, my middle finger.

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I admit it requires a major restructuring of our society. I'm just saying we'd all be better off we went ahead and did that.

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Another proud NY state independent because both parties are corrupt as hell.If the Dem is on the Working Familes Party line also, I always vote on that line as it gives them more power

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Well my local mayor is one. He's is an alleged supporter of the Green New Deal, but then [first name redacted] Trump has helped put up more unnecessary buildings than the last 5 mayors combined (no lie), and yet he is loved by the Berniebros and Steinkampfers, so the same shit keeps happening.It the last two elections I voted candidates on a local line. It was better the last time as the opponent got 15% of the vote, considerably more than in the previous election.

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Probably not. But then the DCCC is so totally and completely corrupt that it's no surprise.

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