Tinfoil? Man...I wish I had tinfoil. Sigh. Folks like you get all the luck.

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This biology professor at Liberty U., Daniel Howell, has been preaching the gospel of going barefoot for a while. Does that make him a confirmed bachelor? Or, since Liberty makes him wear shoes to class, is he in a marriage of convenience? And the biggest question: how the hell did Liberty "University" get a professor who advocates shoelessness? I have it on good authority that the students cannot leave their dorm rooms unless fully clothed, including shoes.

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Agreed! As the documentary series "24" has shown us, the gov'mint can tap into any cell phone, camera, satellite or computer at will. Plus, the terrorists will tell you anything if you cock your gun and shout the question.

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Kristin Davis wins because she is a Kristin. I can't think of any better criteria to choose our leaders.

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<strike>rent</strike> Voters too damn high?

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