I surmise that the young wiper snappers are also spending their leisure time at the local pool hall doing the jitterbug and guzzling cola beverages.

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Public support for the <a href="http:\/\/www.thenation.com\/blog\/194097\/do-not-criticize-nypd" target="_blank">thin-skinned-babies of the NYC police</a> has been rapidly eroding due to their latest antics and refusal to do the taxpayer-funded job they were hired to do, but I'm sure this bit of childish mudslinging will turn things right around for them. Great PR machine they have working for them there.

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That would explain basically all of his behavior.

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Is it possible to dissolve the NYPD and start over with some guys who aren't preemptively butthurt? And who maybe show more collective maturity than the average tenth-grader? Because they're <i>really</i> showing everyone what it takes to get to walk around with a gun, a taser, and full legal immunity in NYC.

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Are his crimes committed using jazz hands?

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Is there a dime novel hidden in the corn crib?

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Is he starting to use words like "swell" and "so's your old man?"

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Loitering with intent to micturate.

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Trouble with a lower-case "D" that rhymes with "B" and that spells "de Blasio."

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Yup, a 12 oz. can of some brands may have up to around 25% of the caffeine that is contained in a typical cup of coffee!

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Bodie O'Dough.

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