if i could give you a million 'p's for that i would.

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This being New York, I assume the Counter Terrorism unit wanted to know where the brown people were eating simply so they could keep up on the hottest new ethnic cuisine trends.

Speaking of which, where are all those amazing <i>nouvelle Iraqi</i> restaurants? We've been devastating their country for a decade now; that should have produced enough refugees to staff a thousand restaurants.

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Better check out a recent pic.

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CNBC reported 3 arrests today during the ongoing protest of "alleged" greed and corruption.

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The cops probably want you to stay in the park for two reasons:

a. they're not done gathering intelligence on each and every participant (Gitmo isn't going to fill itself you know)

b. they recognized that forcibly moving dirty hippies might be <strike>wrong</strike> bad for PR

Or maybe both.

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didn't he pal around with terrorists?

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But isn't the business of America business? And isn't what's good for business good for America?

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It covers up the rope scars from the attempted lynchings by the right.

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