The NYPD needs a new slogan. I would suggest "To be self-serving and self-protective".

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OK, I agree ... they should not be held to a military standard as they are not soldiers. They should be held to a HIGHER standard as they are public servants who are here to protect and serve the citizens.

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Wow, look at that sea of <strike>smug white faces</strike> blue uniforms.

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This. Thisthisthisthis.

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De Blasio's big mistake was announcing during the campaign that he wanted the cops to have a decent contract and did not intend to keep them waiting.

He should have just done what Bloomberg did from 2010 to 2014: stall and stall and stall and refuse to negotiate, and leave the entire force with no contract, no pay raise, no benefits increase, nothing.

The cops clearly preferred that, so maybe we should just put them back on hold.

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Polite? Something like that, anyhow.

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Warm, Affable Tribune Brother.

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I grieve for two officers who were murdered by an unbalanced individual. As for the NYPD officers ... if you didn't like what the mayor told his son, perhaps you should ask yourself why he had to instruct his son in such a manner?

Oh, by the way, I believe military personnel would be directly disciplined for such disrespect to a superior.

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Next time I'm Mayor and have a black son, I'm telling him that the police are his best friends and that they can always be trusted. Since the kid always does the opposite of his Dad's advice, it'd be a win-win.

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I'm actually relieved that your friend has had good experience with dating cops. It's is so often the case that cops make truly horrific boyfriends/husbands... <a href="http://www.purpleberets.org..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.purpleberets.org/violence_police_famil...">http://www.purpleberets.org...

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BWB: Boiling While Black

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Fire the whole lot of them and start over. For the life of me, I can't think of another job in this country where you can publicly tell your boss to go fuck himself and still expect to be employed.

What's that you wingnuts are always blathering when some poor working stiff complains about their job?

"Something, something, if you don't like it, quit. No one is forcing you to work there- find another job"

Sounds like awfully good advice for these WATBs...

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The man's family asked them, pleaded with them not to do this. And they did it anyway.

<em>"was really taken as an insult, that you almost don’t have the right to express yourself"</em>

When you wear a uniform, sometimes your right to free speech can be curtailed. Comes with the job, because when you wear the uniform you represent more than yourself. Guess you missed that part in your rush to scream "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"

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Remember, these are the same assholes who will push a poor blah kid half way through a brick wall if they feel he isn't giving them the proper level of respect...

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They are eroding the sympathy we all have for people who are first responders for the worst we do to each other.

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