I am Legion

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Forget the IQ test, I want a psych profile and that neat little implicit bias computer test neuroscientists created on them.

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There were "free-fire zones" in Vietnam. They were areas where the inhabitants were supposed to have been relocated to the cities and towns. Anyone who was still living in hose areas was considered to be VC or VC sympathizers. Some of them were. Some of them weren't. It was technically allowable to kill them. Some of us did. Most of us didn't.

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Currently reading 'A Rumor of War' by Philip Caputo. He talks about how brass dealt with the issue of civilian deaths: "If they're Vietnamese and they're dead, they're VC."

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If you don’t want your interactions with the public recorded, maybe you shouldn’t have a job that involves interacting with the public.

But if there are so many “black scam artists” looking to cash in on a police beating, shouldn’t the cops embrace body cams? After all, what could be a better defense against false allegations of abuse than having the whole encounter on video?

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Think of all those Republican senators who have never seen even one of Trump’s racist tweets.

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Um, Donnie? I don't think the FNM CAN crash the economy. They can just report on it.

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I think Father Jacek should go to a party in blackface drag and then come home blotto.

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I suppose he believes the "FNM" are the Jews who can overturn economies with a mere act of will.

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If you're too scared to police certain neighborhoods without a major arsenal, and a free-fire ROI, maybe policing isn't for you.

Perhaps you should explore a career in something lower-stress, like accountancy, or earwax sculpture.

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I hope all those Republican donors in the Hamptons who deplore his racism but like their tax cuts are fucking shitting themselves now.

The guy you put in power to do your economic bidding is now sitting there in the control room, randomly pressing buttons and throwing levers. Does anyone smell burning insulation?

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"I said 'Stop there, person of color, and drop any weapon you might happen to have on your person.' But he did not stop so I fucked up his shit with my service revolver." Did you at any time threaten him? "No. Except for telling him the truth when I said I was going to fuck up his shit terminally. But no, no threats at all."

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Provided you have tenure at Harvard.

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Recent police shooting death of a native American man in Washington state- the cop lost his body camera somewhere.

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Had anyone checked to see if his black friend is turning blue? Say, from oxygen deprivation?

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