Colleges and universities crank out thousands of graduates with Communications majors every year. Most spent their time in school making movies of their friends or goofing off at the school's TV or radio station, and their final project is usually some unfunny "parody" of some recently popular TV show or movie. (You know how many amateur state college level "parodies" I've seen of The Blair Witch Project or The Sopranos? Too fucking many.) And they usually wind up working in some low-level job outside of the media, complaining about their life choices by the time they're 24.

But some do take it seriously enough that they have a decent reel of their college reporting, camera work or editing. Some even got an internship at a local TV station where they actually assisted on a project or story - even it it meant working on a weekend or a holiday to accomplish it. But they too can be frozen out of a profession that has a very limited number of job openings.

So I can see where some might take a job at an OAN or Sinclair station if it means they can pay off their massive student loans, or maybe even move out of their parents' house. But that's still no excuse for enabling American Nazis. They made their choice, they need to live with it. And there is a chance they might get hired somewhere else, but there are still a lot more qualified applicants who don't have the stain of a Nazi-enabling channel on their resume.

(P.S. The station I work for now once hired for a producing position someone who worked for The Blaze - Glenn Beck's raving lunatic channel. She told us that most of the people involved - including the on-air guests - knew that they were spewing right wing bullshit, but they thought it was just a game they were playing. She wound up getting fired after about six months because she wasn't actually doing her job. Guess it's just too hard to contact people who are supposed to know what they're talking about to be guests on a public affairs show.)

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Hitler himself sometimes showed a non-monstrous side. Sometimes when he walked in the room and people said, "Heil Hitler!", he'd say "Heil mich," ("Hail me") as if, on some level, he knew it was all silly.

Also, he genuinely liked children--"Aryan" children, at least.

The Nazis are actually scarier because they are not demons from Hell, or space aliens, or some other sort of non-human enemy, or under the control of such enemies.

That makes them scarier because if they are mere human beings and nothing more, that means any of us could become Nazi, or at least Nazi-like, under the wrong circumstances.

I think one reason that God judges us with mercy is that S/He knows our wills are really not all that free; that we are, to a great extent, the products of heredity, physical and cultural environment, and blind luck. To a great extent, we don't, indeed can't, choose to be whatever we are.

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657 or something that's relevant.

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ANTIFA Founders Club Photo https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well, the ones Aldo the Apache met were easy to spot.

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Oh ... it's really hard to tell sometimes.

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Yeah, but Onan was more into the not fucking, which was what got him in trouble with god.

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So he's proud he's too untrustworthy even for Nazis? Is he trying to get a job with TFG, as his soul mate or something? I don't think it'll work, since the Nazis still trust TFG, and he can't stand to be shown up.

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I know.

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people often say that ' but he was a vegetarian' or 'he liked dogs' like that was his saving grace and we should accept that he had 'depth' - as if the whole person can be redeemed by one nice characteristic - i have no idea about a supreme being judging anyone, there is enough of that on the planet

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Now that's fake news. They admit it. No wonder Chauvin took the 5th.

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"if your shit reporting gets people killed, what bloody difference does it make whether you believed it or not?" If you don't believe it, you were being intentionally dishonest, and that is criminal rather than negligent.

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No, he said that while he was still President, at what was until very recent times regarded as the most deranged Presidential press conference of all times.

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There are 343 comments before this one. Someone damn well better have already made a "chust followink ohhhdahs,ohhhdahs vich must be obeyt mitout kvestion!" crack. EDIT: Oh, good, someone did.

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Flintstones dinosaur performing some menial task: "Rawk! It's a living!"

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