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Quick, throw a net over 'em!!

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I read that as one-sixth-ers which made sense as well. I think that’s their IQ in relation to everyone else.

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I was sued once (when I was a reporter) by 2 utilities. One petition was 3 pages,1 was 150. I was kinda flattered by the long one. I thought it showed they cared.

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It's all cosplay till the feds show up

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Also, too, discovers he has a lot fewer friends than he had thought

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I would think you'd just piss of a judge by throwing a bunch of garbage in front of them.

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My smart ass kid when I told him about this- 'mom, maybe you're just scared they're right. 'I don't know where he gets his snark but I cackled!

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I bet if I met you or Boscoe, your kind and intelligent eyes would give you away.

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Ah, NOT a bent Trump judge .

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malsperanza is being facetious

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Big upvote on the one-page concept.

Just over 500 words on a recent piece that I wrote.

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What makes technical people good at most aspects of their jobs is attention to detail and process. They don't always "read the room" and understand that most people don't share that.

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I mean, doesn't anyone think that an increase in the sentence is warranted as a response to such fuckery?

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ahhhhh...... hey azz-whole.... If ya can't do the time ....don't be a slime !!!

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