Oath Keepers attacked me on Twitter. I felt so honored.

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THAT would have been FABULOUS.

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They're trying to have it "oath" ways. Sorry.

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These folks are 'birthers' - and since Obama was "foreign born", according to the Constitution he is therefore holding the office illegally so they don't need to obey him. Yes, this is all about being president while Black, and also about being a 'socialist', but it won't change if Hillary gets elected. They hate her just as much, in fact she was their first Boogie-man.

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They sincerely believe that the soldiers will refuse to shoot, and will, in fact, turn their guns around and join the Oath Keepers instead. They are seriously delusional, and if it goes down that someone on their side does get shot and killed, Rhodes will still view it as a win, because you couldn't buy a better recruiting tool than to show it over and over again and say "See - we were right! Tyrant Obama thinks you are a terrorist rather than the True Patriot you are! Fight back like a man!" So, no, I don't think it will. I know enough of these people that they scare the shit out of me. They claim that they won't be the ones to fire the first shot, but they damn will be the ones firing the last, and they don't understand why that is treason.

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Haven't you heard? Not doing your job is the new "in" thing now.

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Not to mention is NOT an open carry legal place in Ky. It's almost as if they are worried about those 'good guys with guns' we're always hearing about. They wouldn't get past the metal detectors.

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No I think Rhodes thinks it's Judith Light.

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And, as usual, keep misfiring way sooner than they want them to.

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Oh, all of them. Ex-military, so your tax dollars at work.

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"Some of the comments on their site are calling them 'pussies' for protecting gold mines and mooching cows and such but not protecting poor martyr-in-waiting KIMDAVIS..."

Redundancy Alert! The "mooching cows" reference shows that our brave Oafkeepers were already protecting her.

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It will take a well trained sniper to locate and engage targets that small.

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And given that these gun humping muthafuckers are wasting their time on Kim Davis, they aren'the even doing that.

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everyone wants to be on t.v. - i hope it's a fad

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Surely that would be a court martial offense.

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Retirees should watch themselves. Technically, they're still subject to the UCMJ.

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