I thought all the bum-rushing was what made Sky Wizard so sad he had to send hurricanes and homicidal gunmen and whatnot to teach us a lesson.

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Oath-keepers, you are the bad guys.

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You're looking at this all wrong ...


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The NRA God demands human sacrifice and so do all his worshipers.

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Christ, if I were a parent, I would sue the fuck out of any school district that let these psychopaths talk to my child.

Gotta admit, though, Jason Von Taterlove is an awsum name.

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"I put on my robe and wizard hat."

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Oath Keepers probably not so hot on Ben Carson, whose response to gunmen is: "I would not stand there and let them shoot me. I would stand there and suggest they shoot someone else."

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Victim blaming, it's so attractive!

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Hmmm...where have I heard of a group of armed right-wing thugs preaching violence against the government before....

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Unless a special relationship exists, we have no legal obligation to help another in time of need. Why would anyone expect the average student (person) be interested in laying down their life for someone?

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Symbionese Liberation Army?

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The Oafqueefers might tap the ol' Nazi for the job since Enron's no longer a thing...

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He might wanna consider his own people since the SS has a spotty record with Latin escorts.

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Isn't that the social contract theory of government though?

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Their on to something with their talk of widespread mental illness too.

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