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How about "join the ranks of the sane"?

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The Internet: A Never Ending Steam of Completely Arcane Imagery

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Because what kind of "religion" would seek out a small and powerless group of children for insult and abuse?

This is America. Plenty of them.

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Oh no, it isn't. Believe me, when they lose this one, they'll find another way to torment people they don't like. It's what keeps them going.

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My Friday brain translated part of that quote to "releaved himself on", so naturally I thought of the President pissing on Ted Cruz

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You know what, that's it. I call BS. The real reason these people are so hot under the collar about public bathrooms is that they've never _actually been in one_. Public bathrooms, you see, are for the _little people_.

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I prefer the reading that Satan and YHWH were always bros, but Satan's job was to do the dirty work giving YHWH plausible deniability. Like Slugworth in that Willy Wonka movie.

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Oh, they've been in them, and they were shocked--SHOCKED! I tell you!--at the amount of nonsense that went on in them. Why, you could hear other people pooping! And sometimes they would talk to one another through the stall walls, just like they knew each other.

And then there was that one time the guy bumped the other guy while on his way to get some paper towels to dry his hands after washing them in the--gasp!--communal sink, and then had the effrontery to apologize.

The world is going to Hell in a handbasket.

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Yeah, the Superintendent of schools in Tyler, Texas put in his .02. My favorite part is at 3:50, "those are our federal tax dollars. I've paid those tax dollars."Hey, I paid tax dollars that ended up being used to blow Iraq to bits. Can I have that money back too?

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Playing sports makes showers a requirement. You get over it pretty quick, if you want to. If you dont, then you probably wouldnt play. I never liked showering in and around others, but playing sports and being in the Army doesnt give you the best chance of avoiding that.

Kids are much like tofu, they absorb the psychic flavor of what is around them. If they are raised in hatred, anger and fear, then their own behaviors will reflect that.

Have a great day!

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Heinlein wrote a pretty interesting book on the topic:


Have a great day!

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Proudhon's last testament.

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Have you read James Morrow's Only Begotten Daughter? It contains hands-down the best image of Jesus I've ever seen in a story. According to the novel, ever since he died he's been down in Hell, doling out water and comfort to the damned. When the title character asks him why, he replies, "We do what we can." He knows nothing whatever about anything done in his name, and they have a great discussion about what's been going on. (Hint: Jesus isn't happy.) It's a wonderful book, and Morrow is a great writer.

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Of course they are. They don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what happens to the kids. It's never been about them, so they can just make do with no education, the worthless little bastards.

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Yeah, but that theory doesn't jibe with the fact that "Satan" isn't even a name. It's a title - sheitan - which translates roughly to "adversary in an argument". He's literally just the dude Jehovah happened to be arguing with; we don't even know what his actual name was. It certainly wasn't Lucifer, or Beelzebub, or any other of those names, ALL of whom referred to distinct characters, not some overarching evil fiend who couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to be called.

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