C'mon, we know it's "Klaatu barada nikto!"

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Sounds like it would be good without even going to the trouble of using kale.

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Nothing a little Bamz can't fix.

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It is perfectly possible to be "coldhearted" and still have empathy. I have a very logical, rational personality and the only thing I am sentimental about is babies and kittens. But I have a lot of empathy, which some of my more emotional and sentimental friends do not seem to have except for people just like them, or for people whose experiences they, themselves, have shared. When they travel they seem to notice only the differences between people and never see the similarities.

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I'm going to move to Cuba so I can vote for Obama to be Dictator for Life (or at least until the next Ides of March).

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Saturday: Tax cuts will solve all these problems.

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Wing nut grammar checker suggests:

an indifferent, lazy Negro who cares more about basketball and selfies than actually doing his job

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Sunday: all women should be on their knees

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WRONG! Dubya was not pre-empted. He finished the reading.

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Bob Hope?

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Dick o' the Day is a big title for someone with such teeny, tiny, micro fingers.

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Yay! YAY. I'm cheering! I will get a special cheer outfit if needed! Lift the ban!

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"tourist trio" is probably "tourist trip"

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McDonald's for everybody!

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Plus it would melt. Because Cuba.

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